Saturday 27 April 2024


Over the past few weeks I have scanned thousands (and thousands) of pages.

I bought an even faster scanner, and I'm glad. It's really earned its purchase.

My Mum and Dad seem to have kept everything in their esoteric filing system.    I've spent many, many, many hours, opening envelopes, separating the ocntents,  re-ordering the contents, then sorting the contents of multiple envelopes into date-ordered sets to scan.  

I've scanned hundreds of pages of bank statements. Electric bills. Council Tax bills.  Payslips.  Letters from the DWP and the taxman, P60s, solicitor letters, pension letters.....

It's good, actually, that Mum kept everything. It turns out we need some of the documents as proof of something or other.

Last week we emptied Mum's ancient desk, and found yet more stuff in the drawers, under the desk, on the desk.     Some of this included ancient folders with information for her CV, and letters of recommendation from previous employers (going back to the late seventies).    There was a project Mum did at college in her fifties;   some old photos;    letters from friends;   thank you letters from my brother's nieces and nephews and step children;  postcards;   all sorts.   

This was much more enjoyable to scan, as it wasn't just official boring stuff.     Some of the items I've put to one side to pass them on to their originators, to remind them what they were like as children.

I've uploaded everything I've scanned  on to a shared space,  and I'll give Mum access.    She can choose not to look at it, but there will be the opportunity to flick through and reminisce, if she'd like to.

I also found a file containing all the properties they went to see, when they were looking at buying a smallholding.  One of them was the farmhouse that my brother and I ended up AirB&Bing in.   I've sent an electronic copy to the now-owners,  who were delighted to receive it,  and we'll drop the original off next time we are passing.

I thought I might send the others to their new owners as well.   I'd find it quite interesting to find the selling prospectus for 40 years ago.    My husband thinks its a bit of a weird thing to do, so now I'm not sure. 

I've still got a few bits to scan (awkward htings like passports, for the photos), and I'm trying really hard to get it finished. (I'm on a break!)  I've found the original plans for their house.  I think they are A1 size, so I might be able to scan them on my big scanner.  I have to excavate the room a bit to find the scanner though, and I don't have the energy or enthusiasm at the moment.

I found an old Scenic Drive leaflet, which happens to go past the house of my BiL.   I scanned it and sent him a copy, thinking he'd not take myuch notice.  He was quite interested in it.    I googled something from the leaflet, to try and date it.  I then found that the originator of the leaflet was looking for memorabilia to celebrate the 60th anniversary!    I've sent them a scanned copy too.

Now I wish I hadn't been so hasty in putting various other leaflets in the recycling.  I'm sure many of them would have had a passing interest for the places they came from.    

Oh well, too late now.

